Monday, 11 October 2010

Today is day 10

The alarm went off at 4.20am today. The bus was due to arrive at 5am to take us into the mountains to see some temples. We were all downstairs, at the gate, waiting, very sleepily, for the bus. 5.15am goes…as does half past…and quarter to. We were not impressed! The bus finally turned up at 6.05am, and we were off.

4 hours later we arrived, a large mountain was the backdrop to a beautiful mosque – Sahar Ki Masjid. It was set just outside a small village, which of course meant more stares from the locals – which was exaggerated more when we were inside the grounds of the mosque. There was a fee to enter the landmark, one of 10 rupees for all the students that we were with, but, for us, 250 rupees. Once inside the gate, there was a metal fence running around the building and its grounds, the locals were all lined up, peering through the fence to get a look at us.

The building was amazing. We wandered around, chatting to the students and taking photos, after a while we walked through the small village to another (larger) mosque – Champaner – Pavagadk. I was amazed at the architecture, the carvings, and the space. 

We jumped back on our bus and drove to a nearby lake; the landscape was amazing.  We sat and chilled out there for a while watching people go by, staring out into the lake.

We had lunch before heading back. There was the long drive back to Ghandhinagar for a chilled out evening. I am writing this before I go get an early night, tomorrow is project work day, research, planning and hopefully some shooting!

Thank you to everyone that has been commenting! I miss you guys! Means a lot to know you are reading :)

C xxxx

The amazing ceiling of one of the mosques.

A dragonfly ripped the head off another, and started to eat it! :S


  1. Thanks again Mate, we are both enjoying your descriptions and the photos are great We have never appreciated the "pooter" so much.

  2. I hope you realise the second photo is going on our wall when you get back...

  3. Can I have the 5th and 6th one then!!!!!
    All terrific x x

  4. Just tried to post a comment on Hannah's blog but couldn't get it to post. Hope she doesn't mind us following hers too. Tell her we're enjoying it.
    Keep having fun x x x x x

  5. Hello Clare!

    We really enjoyed the trip with you guys yesterday. Although we should have gone to the top of that mountain too, the view would've been really great.

    Remember I asked you about your camera, I forgot which Cannon model was it. Could you please let me know about your camera and the lens that you were using 'cause I'm planning to get something similar.

    Your blog and all your photographs are really great. :)


  6. James and I are really enjoying Reading your blog. Sounds like you are having such a wonderful experience ( are you getting used to Indian time yet?). Keep the words and photos coming! Lots of love. Salina and James

  7. Hi sounds great and looks amazing we'll barter for the photos when you get back

  8. Having withdrawal symptoms with no new blogs to read. Hope it's because you're too busy doing/seeing exciting things! x x x x
